Class Required Online Lecture Additional Information Job Classifications

Asbestos Awareness

Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Quarterly Employees whose job duties may cause them to be exposed to or have the potential to come in contact with asbestos containing material during their employment are required to attend Asbestos Awareness one time only. Employees who perform housekeeping operations in an area which contains asbestos containing material or presumed asbestos containing material are required to attend Asbestos Awareness training annually. Job Classifications:
Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Electrician, Engineer, Facility Manager, Project Manager - Facilities or Construction, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker

Back Safety

Required: Once Online: Y Lecture: Employees whose job tasks involve excessive or heavy lifting of materials. Job Classifications:
Athletic Aide, Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Dock Worker, Electrician, Engineer, Groundskeeper, Inventory Clerk, Locksmith, Mechanic, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker

Batteries, Lamps, and Ballasts - Waste Handling

Required: Annual Online: Y Lecture: Employees who collect, handle, pick-up or prepare intact universal waste for recycling and/or disposal.  This will typically include Facilities Services and Physical Plant electricians, lampers, inventory managers, building maintenance workers, and select building engineers.  This will also be assigned to facility managers who opt to manage a battery collection location.  Job Classifications:
EHS, Facilities Services, Facility Manager, Safety

Bloodborne Pathogens

Required: Annual Online: Y Lecture: Employees with reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with human blood, human blood components, products made from human blood, human body fluids, unfixed tissues or organs (other than intact skin) from a human (living or dead), HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures and HIV- or HBV-containing culture mediums or other solutions, blood organs, or other tissues from experimental animals infected with HIV or HBV.  Note:  Laboratory personnel shall take Bloodborne Pathogen for Biomedical Researchers offered by the Office of Research Safety as opposed to this course.  Job Classifications:
Athletic Trainer, Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Dock Worker, Engineer, Facility Manager, Groundskeeper, Lab School teacher, Nurse, Physician, Police Officer

Confined Spaces

Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Quarterly Employees who have the potential to work in or supervise entry into a confined space or permit-required confined space. A confined space is a space that is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work, has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (e.g., tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits), and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. A permit-required confined space is a confined space that has one or more of these characteristics: contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant; has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross section; and/or contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard(s). Job Classifications:
Custodian - Residential Services, Engineer, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker

DOT In-Depth Security

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Essential personnel having a role with hazardous materials (e.g., assisting waste contractors, receiving or delivering chemicals, laboratory facility managers, police officers and public safety) as identified by Environmental Health and Safety. Job Classifications:
Dock Worker, Facility Manager, Police Officer

Electrical Safety - Qualified

Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Scheduled As Needed Employees who work on or near exposed energized parts. Contact Environmental Health and Safety at to schedule.

Job Classifications:
Electrician, Engineer, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker


Required: Online: Y Lecture: Employees who want more information on preventing cumulative trauma disorders. Job Classifications:

Fall Protection

Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Scheduled As Needed Employees utilizing fall protection equipment or systems. Job Classifications:
Electrician, Engineer, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker

Fire Safety and Evacuation

Required: Annual Online: Y Lecture: All full time employees, students working in laboratories, and part-time employees working at least 1,950 hours.  Job Classifications:
Administrative Professional, Animal Care Technician, Athletic Aide, Athletic Trainer, Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Dock Worker, Electrician, Engineer, Facility Manager, Faculty, Groundskeeper, Inventory Clerk, Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Laboratory Technician, Locksmith, Mechanic, Nurse, Office Worker, Other, Physician, Police Officer, Project Manager - Facilities or Construction, Researcher, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Staff, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker

Forklift Safety

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Employees who operate a powered lift truck. A practical is required after completion of the online training class. Job Classifications:
Carpenter, Decorator or Painter, Electrician, Inventory Clerk, Locksmith, Mechanic, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker

General Electrical Safety

Required: Once Online: Y Lecture: Employees with minimal work near or with electrical installations.
Job Classifications:
Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Electrician, Engineer, Locksmith, Mechanic, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker

Groundskeeping Safety

Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Scheduled As Needed Employees who operate any electric or gas powered grounds equipment. Contact Environmental Health and Safety at to schedule. Job Classifications:
Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Custodian - Residential Services, Groundskeeper

Hazard Communication

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal operating conditions or in foreseeable emergencies, except laboratory personnel who fall under the Chemical Hygiene Plan (e.g., building engineers and trades, dock workers, grounds crew, police officers). Job Classifications:
Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Dock Worker, Electrician, Engineer, Facility Manager, Groundskeeper, Inventory Clerk, Locksmith, Mechanic, Police Officer, Project Manager - Facilities or Construction, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker

Ladder Safety

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Employees whose job classifications may involve duties requiring them to perform operations with industrial and temporary stairways, ladders and portable ladders. Job Classifications:
Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Dock Worker, Electrician, Engineer, Groundskeeper, Inventory Clerk, Locksmith, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker


Required: Once Online: N Lecture: Quarterly Employees whose duties require them to service or maintain equipment capable of "unexpected" energization or start up of the machinery or equipment, or the release of stored energy that could cause injury to employees. Job Classifications:
Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian - Residential Services, Electrician, Engineer, Locksmith, Mechanic, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker

Machine Shop Safety

Required: Once Online: Y Lecture: Employees who will be operating machines and working inside of machine shops. Job Classifications:
Faculty, Researcher, Staff

Oversized Potentially Infectious Waste Container Training (DOT SP-11185)

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: This course is only for employees who use or prepare the over-sized PIW containers for shipment.  In order to use these containers (which require use of shipping exemption DOT SP-11185) we must show that relevant employees are trained in the details of the exemption. Job Classifications:

Personal Protective Equipment

Required: Once Online: Y Lecture: Employees wearing protective equipment for eyes, face, head and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices and protective shields and barriers for protection from hazards (e.g., chemical, radiological, mechanical irritants), processes or environment capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact.  Job Classifications:
Building Maintenance Worker - Residential Services, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Custodian - Residential Services, Decorator or Painter, Dock Worker, Electrician, Engineer, Facility Manager, Groundskeeper, Locksmith, Mechanic, Project Manager - Facilities or Construction, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker

Petroleum Storage Tank Operator Training

Required: Every 2 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Employees who duties include daily operations and maintenance of Underground Storage Tanks (currently at the West Plant, Motorpool, and Medical Center).  Supervisors with direct reports who operate Underground Storage Tanks.  Note: EHS requires at least one employee and one supervisor per location, but the department may choose to require additional employees to complete the training. Job Classifications:
EHS, Engineer, Motor Pool, Physical Plant

Potentially Infectious Waste Training

Required: Every 3 yrs Online: Y Lecture: Potentially infectious waste (PIW) training is required for employees who generate, package or prepare PIW containers for shipment to a disposal facility. It also includes employees who manage PIW central storage locations or sign potentially infectious waste manifests. Job Classifications:
Biological lab, Facility Manager for lab, PI

Respiratory Protection

Required: Annual Online: N Lecture: Quarterly Employees required to wear respirators for health protection. Job Classifications:
Animal Care Technician, Carpenter, Carpenter - Residential Services, Engineer, Inventory Clerk, Laboratory Technician, Researcher, Roofer, Sheetmetal Worker, Steam Plant or Tunnel Worker, Trucker

Safety Orientation for Project Managers, Facility Managers and Supervisors

Required: Once Online: Y Lecture: Employees holding project manager, facility manager or supervisor positions and involved in renovation and/or construction projects. Job Classifications:
Facility Manager, Project Manager - Facilities or Construction

Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)

Required: Annual Online: Y Lecture: Employees engaged in operation and maintenance of oil-related equipment such as hydraulic elevators and emergency generator fuel tanks. Job Classifications:
Engineer, Trucker